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Transformational Coach
Energy Healer
Psychic Artist
UK & International

The channeled readings I give people, with spiritual insight and guidance, helps them to make better life, business & relationship choices

Welcome everyone to my Christmas newsletter

We are just at the beginning of Mercury in Retrograde which for those of you not familiar with it, lasts 3 weeks and finishes on 1st Jan.

Astrologically speaking, retrogrades are thought to interfere with the realms that a planet covers.

Since Mercury rules communication, information and travel, the retrograde period is said to affect these areas.

Things to remember during this time:

  • Hold off on signing any contracts if you can or any big purchases.
  • Be prepared for traffic and other travel by allowing extra time for journeys.
  • Avoid situations primed for misunderstandings, step away from drama.
  • Don’t rely on technology, so back up everything you can.
  • Be aware that exes can come back into your life unexpectedly at this time.
  • Refrain from starting anything new til this chapter has passed.

The blessings of Mercury in Retrograde are taking more time for yourself, going inward, more nurture, allowing yourself to slow down, reviewing your life, finishing off any projects, and decluttering both physically & emotionally.

Since this coincides with the busy Christmas period, be aware if you need to set boundaries around what you are feeling you have to do, and be prepared to say no to things you don’t want to or can’t manage.


I also want to thank all of my old and new clients for your business this year, and hope to connect with you again in 2024.


A couple of other things…

Firstly, anyone that would like to give a gift of a reading or healing session for Christmas to loved ones, please let me know as that can be arranged right up to Christmas Eve.

And secondly, next year I will be offering a new service, an Abundance Session, and I’m doing an introductory price of £99 for Jan and Feb.

This session is designed for you to meet your spirit of abundance and finances, to help you:

  • Clear blocks and negative emotions around lack and self worth.
  • Replace with new patterns of behaviour and thinking and working towards a more expansive future.

These sessions are for anyone who feels like no matter what effort they put into life, it’s still just not bringing in enough. Sometimes it takes a complete reset and a spiritual approach to bring you a completely different outcome.

So, if you are interested in an Abundance Session, or in my Empowerment Session (which has proved extremely popular) or just a reading to get you on track for 2024, please get in touch.

I will be working some mornings over the Christmas period other than 25th/26th so if you feel stuck around anything, just give me a call to book in.

Have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas!

Ann Sinclair

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