Please call me on
or email
If I am working, please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible.
I always aim to respond promptly to any emails, texts or phone messages, but just in case your message goes astray please contact me again if you haven’t heard back within 24 hours.
Your psychic consultation is subject to your personal interpretation. The information does not constitute legal, psychological, medical, business or financial advice. The client that receives a reading during a session with me is responsible for all of his or her own choices and actions.
Spiritual healing is for relaxation purposes only. For any health issues the client should consult their medical practitioner.
Working hours
Monday: 6am - 6pm
Tuesday: 6am - 2pm
Wednesday: closed
Thursday: 6am - 6pm
Friday: 6am - 12pm
Saturday: 7am - 10am
Sunday & Bank Holidays
Please still contact me if you are unable to fit within these hours to see if something can be arranged for you.