With valentines behind us and the promise of spring in front, this is always a time for me when I’m looking at life and what I’m hoping to unfold during the coming months.

One of the things that has become very apparent during the lockdown period, and hopefully beyond, is how we look after our mental health.

You can have all the crystals in the world but if your mind isn’t in alignment with the peace and harmony that’s needed for more universal flow then it can feel a difficult place to be.

Often resting times of limbo, like ill health or lockdown periods, help us look at what we want out of life, whether we are looking after ourselves well enough and how we can make improvements.

It might be as simple as following an online coach to make some small changes to a healthier lifestyle.

But if you are feeling like life isn’t sitting right for at the moment then it’s important to be kind and gentle with yourself when exploring how you want to make changes.

Just like with a child, we wouldn’t rush them or tell them off for making mistakes, and we need to apply that same kindness to ourselves.

Everything we have done up to this time has been right for our growth and progression.

Now a different path is maybe what might be needed.

Often if it feels too much or overwhelming, then it could be broken down into much smaller steps.

Very rarely is just one big jump going to sort out all aspects of life.

And it could be some self-examination; inner work is needed even before any physical steps are taken.

However, as you move forward this year let it be with the kindness and compassion you would afford someone you loved.

You are your own best friend and deserve the best of relationships with yourself.

Have a wonderful spring.

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