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Transformational Coach
Energy Healer
Psychic Artist
UK & International

The channeled readings I give people, with spiritual insight and guidance, helps them to make better life, business & relationship choices

An ‘Attitude of Gratitude’ is something we hear a lot about, but what are the benefits?

Well, gratitude…

  • Immediately shifts your energy, and we are all energetic beings, into a higher vibration or frequency.
  • Literally expands your heart chakra and helps with expanded awareness.
  • Creates a feeling of inner peace.
  • Increases your happiness, joy, wellbeing and opens you up to many opportunities.
  • Can shift you out of fear, lack and worry thoughts into a more trusting place.
  • Brings you back to the present where your power resides.
  • Helps you live with more flow and harmony.
  • Enables you to divert your thoughts in a more positive way regardless of what is going on around you.

You may not feel that life is going the way you want at this moment, but if that’s that case then being grateful for the small things can often shift our perspective and remind us of the good that is all around.

Often journaling or writing your daily things to be grateful for can be helpful, and if it’s a journal you are using it can be interesting to look back at earlier stages of your life.

Have a happy and fulfilling June.

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